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The differences of Frame Rates

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The differences of Frame Rates

What Is Frame Rate and Why Is It So Important for TV Production?

When you decide to partner with 24frames for your next production project, whether it be for a TV commercial, corporate film, or something else, you’ll have a few distinct choices to make early in the process. One of the most crucial decisions to be made regarding TV production involves the frame rate that’ll be used for recording and post-production. Though it may seem like a relatively minor factor to consider in the grand scheme of things, the image rate can completely alter how a film, commercial, or short video appears once sent off to public screenings. If you’re a newcomer to the world of TV production, frame rates may be an unfamiliar concept to wrap your mind around. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, 24frames is happy to provide you with all the answers you seek.

So, stick around as we delve into the importance of frame rates and — more importantly — how it could impact your next project.


What is Frame Rate?

Before we cover the finer details, it’s essential to receive an overall understanding of frame rates when it comes to things like TV commercials and corporate films. Though it’s a production decision that often goes unnoticed by audiences, it remains just as important as other aspects of filmmaking, such as casting and direction. So, what exactly is the frame rate? Well, to put it simply, the term refers to the number of “frames” (i.e., the number of images) shown per second within a film. If this still sounds confusing, you might remember the small flipbooks you were given as a child. Each page had a different image and, when flipped through quickly, the movement gave each image the illusion of life: almost like a portable short film.

This phenomenon translates to filmmaking — except it’s a recording device capturing these images rather than a piece of paper. Because each one is shown in rapid succession, your brain is tricked into perceiving uninterrupted motion.


4 Most Common Frame Rates Used in TV Production

When it comes to the number of images shown per second in a film, filmmakers will often spend a fair amount of time deciding what frame rate to use. Different rates will yield unique post-production results, as even a subtle change can alter the viewing experience drastically. Though there isn’t exactly a “standard” frame rate used across TV production, there certainly are a few that are used more often than others: This is primarily to ensure audiences aren’t caught off-guard by a TV commercial that uses an extreme speed, therefore keeping things consistent amongst producers.

Still, that’s not to say producers don’t take creative liberties occasionally and go against the norm. Like most aspects of filmmaking, the frame rate is a subjective choice that can yield incredible results when altered.


Some typical frame rates you’ve seen used in corporate films and more include:

1. 24 Frames Per Second

Aside from being the inspiration behind our company’s name, 24fps is a standard frame rate accepted by most filmmakers as the most “cinematic” speed for video capture. As such, virtually every blockbuster you’ve seen in theatres was shot in 24fps. Again, that doesn’t mean every movie needs to follow the 24fps trend. For instance, Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit” film trilogy was notably shot in 48fps and still yielded a great response from audiences and critics alike.

2. 30 Frames Per Second

If you’ve ever watched a TV commercial, news channel, sitcom, or any other image-heavy film on your television, it was likely recorded using the American 30fps broadcasting standard. Furthermore, most videos taken on personal devices will also utilize the same rate, as it’s widely regarded as a perfect balance between cinematic and casual visuals.

3. 60 Frames Per Second

As one of the best frame rates for capturing scenes with lots of motion, the 60fps rate is reserved mainly for athletics, video games, and anything that contains fast speeds. Most TV sports channels will use this standard, as it allows them to depict replays in slow motion.

4. 120 Frames Per Second

Finally, the 120fps standard is one of the rarest ones out there. It’s essentially a more powerful version of 60fps, which is why you won’t see it being used for anything like corporate films or other casual productions. Currently, it’s only used for animation-heavy videos, such as for video games or 3D cartoons.


Why is Frame Rate So Important?

Now that you know what frame rates to expect when it comes to TV commercials and other productions, let’s discuss why the decision is so important to filmmakers.

1. Frame Rate Must Meet Audience Expectations

In general, it’s best to give audiences what they expect when it comes to TV production, or else they may be upset with the final product. As such, it’s a good idea to stick between 24 and 30fps when recording for broadcast television, since this ensures the video will be realistic and consistent with similar productions.

2. Frame Rate Impacts the “Feel” of a Video

A TV commercial for an action video game will have a different style than a professional corporate film, from music choice to editing. The frame rate also plays into this, as 30fps is excellent for the second production, whereas 60fps might fit the first one better. Doing so ensures each video “feels” the way it should.

3. Frame Rate Can Increase or Decrease Export Times

The higher the image rate of a film, the longer it’ll take to have it exported. Therefore, if a filmmaker’s project needs to be finished quickly, they might consider dropping their frame rate to complete the production process quicker.



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